Types of Commercial Property Development Finance

Commercial property development finance for commercial real estate development is designed to help entrepreneurs or developers construct new commercial buildings. These properties can be rented out, sold, or used as the foundation for the developer's enterprise.

Let us look into the various types of commercial property development finance that help in real estate development in South Africa:

Commercial Mortgages

As one of the direct means of purchasing a property you wish to rent out or use for personal use, commercial mortgages can be used for a property transaction. Almost any real estate transaction, including new construction, can be financed with a commercial mortgage from the Property Finance Companies in South Africa. A 25% (or higher) deposit is required.

The process of commercial mortgages is long as it takes a lot of paperwork and credit checks before its completion, as well as ample time to set an agreement with the lender for a smooth process.

Bridging Finance

Regarding this commercial property development finance type, you can consider a bridging finance or loan if you need funding for a property you bought at an auction or as part of a real estate development project. It's a loan that financially strengthens you to buy a property so that you can renovate it and either sell it or find a more long-term source of funding for it.

The bridging loan serves as a means of financing to get you from the point of purchase to the point of selling. Although they have shorter periods than standard loans, they are easier to set up, giving borrowers a more immediate source of cash for projects with deadlines.

Portfolio Finance

The residential property development finance of SA provides portfolio finance services to you to increase the efficiency of your property holdings. This is a long-term loan that you can borrow against multiple properties or investments to access multiple mortgages.

Auction Finance

As another type of commercial property development finance, auction finance refers to the properties sold at auctions at high prices depending upon the highest bids offered by the bidders. It usually continues for 28 days at most. It ensures you guarantee security funding that helps you renovate your property so that you can generate profit. One advantage of auction finance is that you can either buy or sell your existing properties tied to your money within a given period.

Mezzanine Finance

Mezzanine finance is a short-term loan aimed at helping you fund your project to completion to maximize potential return. These finances bridge the gap between principal lending and the total cost of development of the properties. It is often regarded as a second charge that is being made against your property.


The commercial property development finance types help real estate agents by providing sufficient funds to run their business in difficult times. These funding opportunities or loans are utilized by the real estate agents of South Africa to renovate or fix the less valued properties to generate more income by attracting potential customers and investors to invest in their business.
